The Power of Ownership: The Key to Unlocking Success

Yogi Sharma
2 min readMay 25, 2023

Whether you’re a team player in a multinational company or an entrepreneur in a bustling startup, one essential characteristic that significantly contributes to your success is ‘ownership.’ It’s a vital attribute, so simple, yet so powerful, that it can transform your professional journey and personal growth.

Many times, we realize the importance of ownership when we face setbacks. We might miss a target, disappoint a team member, or even fail at a project. These are the moments that bring into focus the need for ownership and accountability in our actions.

Building Trust and Integrity

Taking ownership of our responsibilities goes a long way in building a reputation of trust. As we hold ourselves accountable for our actions, we’re telling others that we’re reliable and sincere. That we’re someone who can be trusted with tasks, projects, or even leadership roles. Our integrity shines when we make decisions responsibly and stand by them.

Nurturing Determination

Ownership breeds determination. It’s the fire that fuels us not just to complete our tasks, but to excel at them. This mindset represents our skills, resilience, and self-discipline. Our work becomes an extension of our determination, a testament to our grit.

Shaping Our Destiny

When we take ownership, we’re not just saying yes to tasks or responsibilities. We’re acknowledging that we’re in the driver’s seat of our destiny. We’re moving away from the mindset of blaming circumstances or others, and we’re affirming that we have the power to shape our own lives.

A Team Effort

An essential part of ownership is understanding that we can’t do it all. We’re part of a bigger picture, a team, a collective effort. It’s about involving others, leaning on their expertise when needed, yet still being the one ultimately accountable.

In the book Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink emphasized the value of ownership, taking full responsibility for everything in one’s life, both personally and professionally.[1] Ownership is not just about ensuring tasks are done. It’s about taking initiative, fostering accountability, propelling personal growth, and guiding us to success. It’s a mindset shift that frees us from limitations and encourages us to step into a world filled with possibilities.

So next time you find yourself faced with a challenge or a task, remember the power of ownership. After all, the road to success is paved by the bricks of accountability, integrity, and determination. Are you ready to embrace the journey?

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[1] Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win,”

