The Power of Positive Inner Dialogue: Transforming Your State of Being and Effectiveness

Yogi Sharma
2 min readMay 28, 2023

Do you have a constant critic living in your head? If so, you’re not alone. For most of my life, I’ve had an “inner roommate in my head” — a term coined by Michael Singer in his book “The Untethered Soul”[1] — that constantly tells me how inadequate I am and how I’m never doing enough. This inner critic can be helpful in pushing us to achieve more, but when it becomes too harsh, it can negatively impact our effectiveness and overall well-being.

Let’s talk about how improving our inner dialogue helps with our state of being as well our effectiveness in life

One of the most challenging yet rewarding undertakings in my life has been learning to improve the quality of this inner dialogue. While it’s easy to distance ourselves from external critics, we can’t escape the voice inside our heads. However, by consciously changing what this voice tells us, we can significantly improve our quality of life.

For instance, I’ve started to remind myself that I’m doing my best. Initially, it might seem counterintuitive — if we’re gentle with ourselves, wouldn’t that make us complacent? But think about it: when someone treats you with kindness and understanding, you’re more likely to go above and beyond for them. The same principle applies to our relationship with ourselves.

There are various ways to improve the quality of our inner dialogue, with compassionate self-forgiveness being one of the most powerful practices. By focusing on improving our inner dialogue, we can enhance our state of being, which in turn leads to increased effectiveness and a better quality of life.

If you’re interested in learning more about the process of compassionate self-forgiveness or other practices to improve your inner dialogue, please let me know in the comments below. The journey to a healthier, more fulfilling inner life starts with the power of our thoughts.

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[1] Michael A. Singer, “The Untethered Soul,”

